Closing of last tab

Thomas Zander zander at
Thu Sep 18 14:15:59 BST 2003

Hash: SHA1

> > Since you quote usability reasons I take it you have thought up a good
> > reason why konqueror is allowed to behave differently from each and
> > every
> > other application in KDE, if you don't then I suggest to leave the
> > behavior as it is now.
> It's simple. When using a browser, I regard interoperability between
> browsers 
> higher than integration within the DE. That's the current behaviour of 
>*every* major browser out there, I don't see a reason why Konqueror should
> break that.

This answer completely ignores that konqueror is much more then a 
Also the statement that its more important to let a user use NN one moment 
and konqueror another and expect them to work the same seems silly; if you 
let that be the guide there is no way that you can create a usabile KDE, 
many applications will ignore the standard for the sake of being 
consistant.  Where is the logic in that?

> Note that I'm not insisting that this behaviour is the default for
> Konqueror,  but having this intelligence removed makes it impossible to
> restore browser interoperability.
Thats not true; when you use Ctrl+Q for close it is and always has been 
consistent.  The fact that adding tabs puts some strains on your way of 
working should not be followed to adding internal inconsistency to the 
defaults that KDE is build on.

> And now the inevitable: Please make it configurable.
Its funny how often I heard that; and I have developed one answer to that; 
please add this feature on your local version of kde and use that.
The reason for this blunt answer is that adding features that are disabled 
by default are hard to maintain.  Its easy to break an invisible feature 
since the new developer has no idea it exists.

As a final (not really relevant) thought.
Why is it important at all to make konqueror work like many existing 
browsers, are you so much different from most users that you use all of 
them? Most users just pick one and use that.

- -- 
Thomas Zander
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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