rdbms file system

Michael S. Mikowski z_mikowski at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 25 03:26:53 GMT 2003

Is anyone investigating an extensible rdbms file system for kde or linux in 
general? Here's what I mean: 
* rdbms       = relational database management system . 
* file system = data is broken into 'bulk' and metadata components 
* extensible  = metadata can be defined per application through means of a  
I see such a system as required to be competative (or exceed) MS. It could, 
for example, provide a convergence of email storage with file storage, where 
each email is a distinct 'file' type, and can be manipulated exactly as a 
normal 'file'. Such a system might also be available to store contact 
information, schedules, and other application meta- and bulk- data. 
Implicit in such a framework is that the filesystem would look like any other, 
at least through Konqueror, much like tgz files are handled today (as in the 
email example, above). Such a system could also provide uniform input for 
data through a simple templating system, and automatic version control (the 
software I have illustrates these concepts). Imagine rolling back to a prior 
configuration for any app which uses such a framework. A uniform API might 
mean that a single applications could function on whole swathes of data 
types, e.g. a universal XML input-output. 
One might approach this at the OS level, but that is probably unsettling and 
premature. If, however, a suite such as kde were to adopt such a framework, 
developers could convert to it over time, and users would benefit 
I have some software I could provide towards an effort as a proof of concept. 
This is probably the wrong place to post, but any pointers on where to 
discuss this would be most welcome. 
Any thoughts on this? Is a similar framework being built or already in place?  
I also have more concrete examples for interested developers.



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