[quanta-devel] Kafkapart problems with CVS HEAD

Adam Treat manyoso at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 24 19:53:47 GMT 2003

--- Eric Laffoon <sequitur at easystreet.com> wrote:
> First off the method you described is not really what people will be expecting 
> and I hope too early to be discussing as a way of making things work. There 
> will be real problems with long text entry, text emphasis (unless you super 
> impose a rich text widget) and more. I don't think this would be well 
> received and I'd only want to do it if there were no other solution, which I 
> hope we don't come to.
> Second, as long as Peter has offered to be Liason on our list I'm not sure we 
> should be dumping a bunch of mail on kfm-devel as we can generate a lot with 
> this.  

Ok, I'll let Peter have a go between the lists for now.  Sorry.


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