Trash, Delete, Shred

David Hugh-Jones hughjonesd at
Sun Jun 29 00:42:53 BST 2003

On Sun, 2003-06-29 at 00:30, Dawit A. wrote:
> On Saturday 28 June 2003 19:02, David Hugh-Jones wrote:
> > Hmph. I think it would be rather odd if the trashcan forbade the user to
> > move more files to it! Especially as it would be the only folder that
> > did that. I suggest just asking if the user wants to empty the trash is
> > more appropriate.
> What do you do if the user said no because they are not sure what they have in 
> the trashcan ? Do you abort ? The other way it is pretty clear ? If you want 
> to move stuff into the trashcan simply say no, empty the trashcan and try 
> again. The same thing you would do with real trashcans. The difficulty comes 
> when the size of the trashcan is smaller than the size of the file(s) 
> deleted.

If the user said no, then you don't empty the trash, and move the file
into the trash anyway. The reason people are worried about losing the
different options to trash/delete, is that they are worried about
running out of space. Having the trashcan start to grumble when it
reaches a certain size, means they can hit "move to trash" without this
worry. If, when it grumbles, they want to ignore it, then that is not a


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