Fwd: [dot-notify] When will Konqueror become the number two browser?
Waldo Bastian
bastian at kde.org
Sat Jun 14 18:01:30 BST 2003
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Subject: [dot-notify] When will Konqueror become the number two browser?
Date: Saturday 14 June 2003 18:52
From: bounce at kdenews.org
The message contents are as follows:
Subject: When will Konqueror become the number two browser?
From: David Jeske <jeske-kde at chat.net>
Date: Saturday 14/Jun/2003, @18:52
Apple's adoption of KHTML for Safari, and Microsoft's waning effort on Mac IE
has opened the door for Konqueror/KHTML to become the number two browser.
All that stands in the way is a Windows port. If KHTML were on Windows, many
more users would be able to run it, more websites would be compliant, and
more developers would be available to help improve KHTML's capabilities.
When will Konqueror/KHTML be ported to Windows?
When I do development, it is for high-performance, high-reliability web
software which runs on Linux or *BSD. Yahoo Groups is the biggest example,
more will come in the future. I'm tired of the
Mozilla-is-standards-compliant-so-shove-off attitude towards the bugs I find
when trying to use their DHTML support. Among my coworkers, I'm famous for
the quote "I'd rather fix Konqueror than support Mozilla". Primarily because
the Konqueror team knows that web compliance (which in many cases means IE
compliance) is the goal, not some non-compatible holy-standard-compliance.
I'd be thrilled to support Konqueror, and contribute DHTML conforance tests
and fixes. However, to do this it needs to run on Windows, because I don't
run Linux on the desktop ( here is why , sorry kde folks). Any news on when
this might happen?
This KHTML on Win32 project was started and needs developers skilled in KDE
and Win32 to help out. Talk of the free non-commercial use of Qt/Windows was
big when it was released, but nothing has come of it. What is the right way
to get Konqueror on win32?
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- --
bastian at kde.org -=|[ SuSE, The Linux Desktop Experts ]|=- bastian at suse.com
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