Konqueror 3.1.3 and scrolling

Nils Holland nils at tisys.org
Thu Jul 31 15:29:34 BST 2003

Hi folks,

I have the "strange" feeling that something has changed in Konqeuror 3.1.3 
that I'm probably not entirely happy with.

Have a look at the following screenshot: http://www.tisys.org/misc/konq1.png 
This is an original-sized capture of Konqueror 3.1.3 viewing some webpage on 
my computer (1152x864). You will see that, despite the high resolution, 
there's a horizontal scrollbar present in Konqueror and that about one letter 
of all words is cut-off on the right "by default" (as long as I don't use 
said scrollbar to scroll to the right a bit).

If I am not totally insane, this used to be different in Konq 3.1.2, where 
there didn't use to be a horizontal scrollbar except really required. With 
Konq 3.1.3, no matter what page I visit (kde.org, freebsd.org, etc.), this 
scrollbar always seems to be there, and if I have "bad luck" like in the page 
from the screenshot above, and the text *really* goes until the very border 
of the page, I *really* have to do some horizontal scrolling to be able to 
properly read it.

So ... am I the only one who's seen that? Have I lost my mind? Or is this 
really "new" in Konqeror 3.1.3?

Nils <nils at thunderbridge.de>

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