"Open http://...../trucmuche" and content-type

David Faure dfaure at trolltech.com
Sun Jul 20 13:31:44 BST 2003

The code is ok, but the message shown to the user surprises me a little.

: i18n("Open '%2' (%1)?").arg(suggestedFilename + " : " + comment).arg(surl);

Your screenshots only test the other case (suggestedFilename not known).
When it is known, "... (guerre.pps:PowerPoint File)?" will appear, which lacks
internationalization (e.g. in French there's a space before and after the ':', IIRC :)).

It's ok to add i18n()s in KDE HEAD at this point.
We want to display a URL, a filename, and a file type, this starts to be a little
too much for a single sentence IMHO. What about something like
 i18n("Open '%3'?\nName:(%1)\nType:(%2)?").arg(suggestedFilename).arg(comment).arg(surl);

(Let's hope the comments don't contain '%' ... Should we use multiarg? Ah that's 3.2-only, right?)

David FAURE, faure at kde.org, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org), and KOffice (http://www.koffice.org).
Qtella users - stability patches at http://blackie.dk/~dfaure/qtella.html

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