Win32 Port of Safari

Alan Gutierrez ajglist at
Sun Jan 12 03:17:06 GMT 2003

Stephan Johach wrote:
 > Hi!
 > Am Freitag, 10. Januar 2003 13:05 schrieb Alan Gutierrez:
 >>     if (m_regdListeners)
 >>        *stream << " #regdListeners=" << m_regdListeners->count(); // ### 
more detail
 >>-    *stream << endl;
 >>+    *stream << endl; // AJG VC++ got confused and call kdbgstream version of 
 > Where is the change other than your comment?
 > Isn't it more save to use std::endl then? Do I miss something?
 > Stephan

Mr Johach

The change is probably somewhere in KWQ. I am hoping that this change to KHTML
can be undone with a fix to KWQ. I will respond to your message in more detail
when I visit the KWQ code. Please be patient. Thank you for your interest.

Alan Gutierrez

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