Win32 Port of Safari

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Fri Jan 10 01:30:11 GMT 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 09 January 2003 05:27, Luis Pedro Coelho wrote:
> There is a thread in comp.std.c++ called "Forward declaration of a class as
> a struct" at (sorry about the long URL):

all well and good, but there are compilers that don't like this one bit. if 
there is no difference between a class and a struct, then keep it straight: 
if you declare it a class, implement it as a class...

i spend effort making sure KDE still compiles on oddball compilers like the 
one shipped with RH6 (yes, that's a 6) so that we aren't shutting people out 
even if we can excuse it by saying, "the compiler you're using sucks". one of 
the things that particular (and officially unsupported) compiler doesn't do 
is compile a struct that was declared as a class.

if it were a matter of choosing between writing broken C++ and proper C++, i'd 
pick proper C++ over supporting old and broken compilers any day. but if we 
can support old and broken compilers simply by writing nice _and_ proper C++, 
i'm all for that.

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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    - Albert Einstein
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