Java applet not found (problem in the official DOM testsuite)

Koos Vriezen koos.vriezen at
Thu Jan 9 23:09:33 GMT 2003

On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, David Faure wrote:

> All HTMLApplet* tests load fine now. However HTMLDocument01.html fails,
> because the load-event is never emitted. This can be reproduced very easily,
> without the whole JSUnit stuff around it, by simply opening document.html
> (attached). The wheel never stops spinning, KHTMLPart is waiting for the
> onload event from the applet. What I don't understand is that _no_
> AppletStateNotification message is being sent around at all.
> Yes, the HTML points to non-existing files applet1.class and applet2.class
> (this is how it is in the testsuite), but
> - - replacing this with the relative name of a class file, and adding CODEBASE,
> doesn't seem to change anything (I used something that apparently works fine
> when <APPLET> isn't inside an <OBJECT> tag).
> - - well it works in other browsers, even with "applet1.class" and "applet2.class"
> (not existing).

Hmm, it generates lots of
konqueror: WARNING: KDE detected X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) \x08
With the OBJECT tags it looks like there is never a request for loading an
applet. Looks like an error in khtml.
Without, kjas sends a sendAppletFailed command. Indeed no
AppletStateNotification sended. Looks like a kjas error.
Will investigate....

> Thanks for any help (this Java stuff is far out my area:) )

At least that makes me feel not completely useless these days :)


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