Win32 Port of Safari

Alan Gutierrez ajglist at
Thu Jan 9 04:23:41 GMT 2003

George Staikos wrote:
> On January 8, 2003 18:05, Alan Gutierrez wrote:
>>Dirk Mueller wrote:
>>>On Mit, 08 Jan 2003, Alan Gutierrez wrote:
>>>>I hope I haven't offended anyone.
>>>Not at all. Please let us know if you make progress.
>>Downloaded CoreFoundation form Darwin, as well as WebCore and JavaScript
>>core. Set up a VC project and started ifdef'ing. Most of the xml directory
>>has compiled. More problems in the render directory. Still very promising.
>>There are some C++ compiler issues. It looks like VC++ found some typos.
>   I wouldn't always be so sure.  VC++ has many known bugs.  You might have to 
> do some rather annoying things to get it to compile.

Oh, yes! VC++ has bugs! But it has caught a couple of stucts that were 
predeclared as classes, for example. The code is being run through another 
compiler, which has it's own set of warnings, so VC++ might catch some real 
issues, if not bugs.

Almost all of the khtml/kjs/pcre now compiles. VC++ has only one major feature 
deficency. Apparently macros can take variable arguments in GCC. Not so in VC++.

Otherwise, the changes needed to compile were really minor. Apple has done a 
great job of sparating KHTML from Qt.

I am considering using VCF to implement the guts of Kwq for Win32.

Can anyone recommend a C++ GUI library for Win32, one that supports lightweight 

Alan Gutierrez

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