Win32 Port of Safari

Alan Gutierrez ajglist at
Wed Jan 8 23:05:49 GMT 2003

Dirk Mueller wrote:
> On Mit, 08 Jan 2003, Alan Gutierrez wrote:
>>I hope I haven't offended anyone.
> Not at all. Please let us know if you make progress.

Downloaded CoreFoundation form Darwin, as well as WebCore and JavaScript core. 
Set up a VC project and started ifdef'ing. Most of the xml directory has 
compiled. More problems in the render directory. Still very promising.

There are some C++ compiler issues. It looks like VC++ found some typos.

I've not seen templates in C++ in the last five years, so I am not familiar with 
some of the syntax. Most of C++ types are template and namespace related at this 
point. KDE is much more liberal with the C++ language features than Mozilla.

Major type confusion since there doesn't seem to be an unsigned long long type 
in VC++, or any compiler specific equiv. It seems that this is used for the 

Going to stop, think, and find solutions to the obvious problems I have 
encountered before moving on.

Alan Gutierrez

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