(fwd) Re: Greetings from the Safari team at Apple Computer

Vadim Plessky lucy-ples at mtu-net.ru
Wed Jan 8 19:30:19 GMT 2003

Most interesting part of this announce is that KDE already get a lot of 
publicity (in non-Linux-specific media).
Take a look, for example, at this article:



Apple opted to use a competing open-source browser technology known as KHTML.

KHTML is a browser compliant with the World Wide Web Consortium's HTML 4 
recommendation and is designed for use with the K Desktop Environment (KDE). 
KDE is an open-source graphical desktop environment for Unix computers; Mac 
OS X is based on Unix.

 Netscape declined to comment on Apple's choice of KDE.

But KDE contributors hailed Apple's decision, calling it a validation of the 
development effort and of open-source methods in general.

"It's a great acknowledgment of the hard work done by all members of the KDE 
project, and proof that the concept of free software is perfectly capable of 
producing software worth being the preferred choice of major hardware and 
software vendors like Apple," wrote KDE engineer Harri Porten, in an e-mail 

 Porten, an engineer in Oslo, Norway, with Trolltech who wrote the original 
version of KDE's JavaScript interpreter (KJS), said Apple's choice would not 
only raise awareness and adoption of the software, but boost KDE's 
development efforts.

 Other KDE developers agreed.

"As far as I can judge from the changelog, so far they did some nice 
improvements to the code which Konqueror, KDE's integrated Web browser, can 
certainly benefit from," wrote KDE contributor Dirk Mueller. "They also 
improved KJS."

It's very nice that KDE developers are quoted at the same level as CEOs of 
some big companies.
It seems we are very close to take market share from Microsoft :-)

On Tuesday 07 January 2003 23:21, Dirk Mueller wrote:
|  ... and my answer to it.
|  ----- Forwarded message from Dirk Mueller <mueller at kde.org> -----
|  From: Dirk Mueller <mueller at kde.org>
|  Subject: Re: Greetings from the Safari team at Apple Computer
|  To: Don Melton @apple.com
|  [......]
|  Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 21:18:19 +0100
|  On Die, 07 Jan 2003, Don Melton wrote:
|  > I'm the engineering manager of Safari, Apple Computer's new web browser
|  > built upon KHTML and KJS.  I'm sending you this email to thank you for
|  > making such a great open source project and introduce myself and my
|  > development team.  I also wish to explain why and how we've used your
|  > excellent technology.  It's important that you know we're committed to
|  > open source and contributing our changes, now and in the future, back
|  > to you, the original developers.  Hopefully this will begin a dialogue
|  > among ourselves for the benefit of both of our projects.
|  I hope so too. I'm deeply impressed by your detailed changelog and by
|  the changes. A few of the changes have already happened in "our"
| developing version and many of them were on our TODOs. For example just
| about this weekend I was working on improving the kjs garbage collector and
| now I read that you apparently already fixed the issues I had with it.
| Seems to me like a huge christmas gift. Thank you. Thanks a lot.
|  Especially I'd like to hope that we could set up a mailing list where we
|  could exchange ideas, patches and bug reports. Also a common testsuite for
|  regressions would be nice and probably help us a lot in developing KHTML
| and KJS further. Ideally the plan should be, and I hope you agree, to use a
| common codebase for the backend.
|  > Please forward this email to any contributor whom I may have missed.
|  We've forwarded it to kfm-devel at kde.org.


Vadim Plessky
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