[Bug 50832] bookmark groups of pages

Luis Pedro Coelho luis_pedro at netcabo.pt
Mon Jan 6 17:56:48 GMT 2003

I am sorry if this is a repeat, but I kind of lost the first one - I wrote it 
a few days ago but I had trouble connecting to ADSL in France (there was 
someone else on the KDE team with the same trouble a while back, IIRC) and 
kmail seems to have lost it.

Em Sábado 28 Dezembro 2002 12:50, Leo Savernik escreveu:
> Otherwise I reviewed the patches and they seem clean as well as BC (the
> introduction of a new bitfield doesn't break class layout as long as the
> sum of bits stays below 32 bits afaik).

Yes, I did take care of doing it like that.

There is a small change to the code I would like to do: I called the new 
action and it's icon "bookmarkgroup_open" Perhaps this should be changed to 
"bookmark_groupopen" to reflect what seems to be the norm in the rest of KDE.

A related if more important question is that a new icon is necessary for this 
action. How do I tell the people who cann do something about it? Believe me, 
you don't even want me to try to come up with a new icon ;-)

Luis Pedro Coelho

"Technology does not always equal progress."
Douglas Coupland

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