hidden directory crash - analysis..

Michael Brade brade at kde.org
Thu Feb 27 13:32:05 GMT 2003

On Saturday 22 February 2003 09:52, Waldo Bastian wrote:
> On Friday 21 February 2003 20:25, Maksim Orlovich wrote:
> > Since I don't think it'd be backwards compatible to make
> > KDirLister::setShowDotFiles context dependent,
> KDirLister is not really designed to have different settings for different
> directories.
Sort of. It wasn't even designed to show more than one directory at once. Now 
that I changed this, I forgot to think about the directories' settings :-}

> It will be very hairy to add it.
No, it won't, I'd simply add something like

  class KDirListerPrivate::Settings {
    bool showDotFiles;
    bool dirOnlyMode;
    bool autoUpdate; // well, maybe not...
  QDict<KURL, Settings> KDirListerPrivate::settings;

and adapt the KDirLister Code. Note, KDirLister is completely independent from 
KDirListerCache in this regard, and KDirLister is small, codewise ;-)

Just a "political" problem: do we want a KDirLister, that can list directories 
with different settings or do we want one KDirLister for every directory/tree 
view with different settings? I don't have a strong opinion on that one, so 
just tell me (although I'd favor to make KDirLister multi-settings aware).

Michael Brade;                 KDE Developer, Student of Computer Science
  |-mail: echo brade !#|tr -d "c oh"|s\e\d 's/e/\@/2;s/$/.org/;s/bra/k/2'
  °--web: http://www.kde.org/people/michaelb.html

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