Konqy hangs on custom profile (Was: Hide Location Bar)

Lynelle Nundoo lynellen at cat.co.za
Thu Feb 20 14:50:31 GMT 2003

Pardon my ignorance, but...KIOSK framework???

Waldo Bastian wrote:

>On Thursday 20 February 2003 14:34, Lynelle Nundoo wrote:
>>if i run the profile just as you gave it to me, initially...including
>>the code below....nothing changes....or goes away at alll!
>>BUT...if i manually deselect the "show Location Bar" in the menubar..and
>>save this profile - then it works..
>>The problem with this is that it saves this for all profiles - iow, if i
>>take away the location toolbar for my profile - the default settings
>>changes to match this...which i don't want to happen :(
>>Another quick question,  without actually changing the "konqueror.rc"
>>file, is there a way to remove the location option from the menubar - or
>>at least remove some of the actions from within it... ???
>Yes, the KIOSK framework allows you to do that. But it will change it for all 
>profiles, which is probably not what you want.

Lynelle Nundoo				
Development Engineer	
Intervid Technologies(SA)
Tel   : +2731 5667830
Cell  :	+2782 705 6391
Fax   :	+2731 566 2994
E-mail:	lynellen at cat.co.za

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