[PATCH] Re: CTRL+Key_Plus and CTRL+Key_Minus as zoom shortcuts in khtml

Simon Perreault nomis80 at nomis80.org
Mon Dec 29 15:27:11 GMT 2003

On December 29, 2003 10:16, Leo Savernik wrote:
> This is not ok. The big stepping has to stay. It's not the purpose of a
> keyboard accelerator to have it being pressed six times to get a noticeable
> increase in font size.

How can this be done the correct way then? Having two actions that do (pretty 
much) the same thing is confusing for the user. I've been scratching my head 
but have found no solution.

Also: is it the purpose of a menu item to have it being pressed six times to 
get a noticeable increase in font size? Why not change it too? I read in the 
CVS log that you had reverted your big stepping change for the menu item 
because someone else said he liked small stepping. Is this argument still 
valid? Should it be debated on kde-usability instead of relying only on one 

Simon Perreault <nomis80 at nomis80.org> -- http://nomis80.org

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