Patch: Invert new tab policy with shift

Albert Cervera Areny albertca at
Wed Aug 6 22:11:07 BST 2003

Hash: SHA1

  With the following patch, you hit ctrl+shift+LeftClick in a link, it will 
open it in a new tab but inverting your preferred policy (in 
konqueror/settings). So if you have by default new tabs to be opened in 
background ctrl+shift+leftclick will open it in foreground (and viceversa).

  Also, with this patch if you hit ctrl+shift+enter once you've typed a new 
URL it will open it in a background tab (instead of foreground as ctrl+enter 
does). This, I must say doesn't work as well as it should, though... the URL 
isn't updated! Could somebody point me how it could be updated?

  Note that the first (ctrl+shift+leftclick) has implied modifying the 
browserextension KPart, khtml and add a couple of lines in konqueror.

  This is my second patch to the kde project, so I don't know whether I'm 
doing the patches right or not (haven't received an answer from the first yet 
;). Please, tell me any problems you find or if this is not the right list to 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)

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