A never ending story.
Michael Reiher
michael.reiher at gmx.de
Tue Oct 29 00:29:40 GMT 2002
Michael Reiher wrote:
> I attached a revised patch. I changed helper.cpp to read the decoration colors
> from config file again.
Ouch! I should at least try to compile it before. Fixed version of helper.cpp
-------------- next part --------------
* This file is part of the CSS implementation for KDE.
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll at kde.org)
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* $Id: helper.cpp,v 1.51 2002/10/27 17:13:23 mueller Exp $
#include "helper.h"
#include <khtmllayout.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <dom/dom_string.h>
#include <xml/dom_stringimpl.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <qtooltip.h>
using namespace DOM;
using namespace khtml;
struct HTMLColors {
QMap<QString,QColor> map;
struct colorMap {
const char * name;
const char * value;
static const colorMap cmap[] = {
{ "green", "#008000" },
{ "gray", "#808080" },
{ "grey", "#808080" },
{ "silver", "#c0c0c0" },
{ "lime", "#00ff00" },
{ "olive", "#808000" },
{ "maroon", "#800000" },
{ "purple", "#800080" },
{ "teal", "#008080" },
{ "fuchsia", "#ff00ff" },
{ "aqua", "#00ffff" },
{ "crimson", "#dc143c" },
{ "indigo", "#4b0082" },
{ 0, 0 }
struct decoColors {
const char * name;
const char * configGroup;
const char * configEntry;
QPalette::ColorGroup group;
QColorGroup::ColorRole role;
const char * const wmgroup = "WM";
static const decoColors decomap[] = {
// Active window border.
{ "activeborder", wmgroup, "background", QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Light },
// Active window caption.
{ "activecaption", wmgroup, "background", QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Text },
// Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box.
{ "captiontext", wmgroup, "activeForeground", QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Text },
// Inactive window border.
{ "inactiveborder", wmgroup, "background", QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Background },
// Inactive window caption.
{ "inactivecaption", wmgroup, "inactiveBackground", QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Background },
// Color of text in an inactive caption.
{ "inactivecaptiontext", wmgroup, "inactiveForeground", QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Text },
{ 0, 0, 0, QPalette::NColorGroups, QColorGroup::NColorRoles }
struct widgetColors {
const char * name;
QPalette::ColorGroup group;
QColorGroup::ColorRole role;
static const widgetColors widgetmap[] = {
// Face color for three-dimensional display elements.
{ "buttonface", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Button }, // MR: shouldn't this be QColorGroup::ButtonText
// Dark shadow for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing away from the light source).
{ "buttonhighlight", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Light },
// Shadow color for three-dimensional display elements.
{ "buttonshadow", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Shadow },
// Text on push buttons.
{ "buttontext", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::ButtonText },
// Dark shadow for three-dimensional display elements.
{ "threeddarkshadow", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Dark },
// Face color for three-dimensional display elements.
{ "threedface", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Button }, // MR: shouldn't this be QColorGroup::ButtonText
// Highlight color for three-dimensional display elements.
{ "threedhighlight", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Light },
// Light color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing the light source).
{ "threedlightshadow", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Midlight },
// Dark shadow for three-dimensional display elements.
{ "threedshadow", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Shadow },
{ "graytext", QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Text },
// Menu background
{ "menu", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Background },
// Text in menus
{ "menutext", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Background }, // MR: shouldn't this be QColorGroup::Foreground
// Text of item(s) selected in a control.
{ "highlight", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Background }, // MR: shouldn't this be QColorGroup::Highlight
// Text of item(s) selected in a control.
{ "highlighttext", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Background }, // MR: shouldn't this be QColorGroup::HighlightedText
// Background color of multiple document interface.
{ "appworkspace", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Text }, // MR: shouldn't this be QColorGroup::Base
// Scroll bar gray area.
{ "scrollbar", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Background },
// Window background.
{ "window", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Background },
// Window frame.
{ "windowframe", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Background },
// WindowText
{ "windowtext", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Text }, // MR: shouldn't this be QColorGroup::Foreground
{ "text", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Text },
{ 0, QPalette::NColorGroups, QColorGroup::NColorRoles }
// Local HTML palette for widget colors ( code taken from KApplication )
KConfig *config = KGlobal::config();
QString lastConfigGroup1 = config->group();
config->setGroup( "HTML Colors" );
int contrast_ = KGlobalSettings::contrast();
const QPalette &defaultPal = kapp->palette();
QColor background = config->readColorEntry( "background", &defaultPal.active().background() );
QColor foreground = config->readColorEntry( "foreground", &defaultPal.active().foreground() );
QColor button = config->readColorEntry( "buttonBackground", &background );
QColor buttonText = config->readColorEntry( "buttonForeground", &foreground );
QColor highlight = config->readColorEntry( "selectBackground", &defaultPal.active().highlight() );
QColor highlightedText = config->readColorEntry( "selectForeground", &defaultPal.active().highlightedText() );
QColor base = config->readColorEntry( "windowBackground", &defaultPal.active().base() );
QColor baseText = config->readColorEntry( "windowForeground", &defaultPal.active().text() );
QColor link = config->readColorEntry( "linkColor", &defaultPal.active().link() );
QColor visitedLink = config->readColorEntry( "visitedLinkColor", &defaultPal.active().linkVisited() );
int highlightVal = 100 + (2*contrast_+4)*16/10;
int lowlightVal = 100 + (2*contrast_+4)*10;
QColor disfg = foreground;
int h, s, v;
disfg.hsv( &h, &s, &v );
if (v > 128)
// dark bg, light fg - need a darker disabled fg
disfg = disfg.dark(lowlightVal);
else if (disfg != Qt::black)
// light bg, dark fg - need a lighter disabled fg - but only if !black
disfg = disfg.light(highlightVal);
// black fg - use darkgrey disabled fg
disfg = Qt::darkGray;
QColorGroup disabledgrp(disfg, background,
background.dark(120), base);
QColorGroup colgrp(foreground, background, background.light(highlightVal),
baseText, base);
int inlowlightVal = lowlightVal-25;
if(inlowlightVal < 120)
inlowlightVal = 120;
colgrp.setColor(QColorGroup::Highlight, highlight);
colgrp.setColor(QColorGroup::HighlightedText, highlightedText);
colgrp.setColor(QColorGroup::Button, button);
colgrp.setColor(QColorGroup::ButtonText, buttonText);
colgrp.setColor(QColorGroup::Midlight, background.light(110));
colgrp.setColor(QColorGroup::Link, link);
colgrp.setColor(QColorGroup::LinkVisited, visitedLink);
disabledgrp.setColor(QColorGroup::Button, button);
QColor disbtntext = buttonText;
disbtntext.hsv( &h, &s, &v );
if (v > 128)
// dark button, light buttonText - need a darker disabled buttonText
disbtntext = disbtntext.dark(lowlightVal);
else if (disbtntext != Qt::black)
// light buttonText, dark button - need a lighter disabled buttonText - but only if !black
disbtntext = disbtntext.light(highlightVal);
// black button - use darkgrey disabled buttonText
disbtntext = Qt::darkGray;
disabledgrp.setColor(QColorGroup::ButtonText, disbtntext);
disabledgrp.setColor(QColorGroup::Midlight, background.light(110));
disabledgrp.setColor(QColorGroup::Link, link);
disabledgrp.setColor(QColorGroup::LinkVisited, visitedLink);
QPalette htmlPal(colgrp, disabledgrp, colgrp);
config->setGroup( lastConfigGroup1 );
const colorMap *color = cmap;
while ( color->name ) {
map[color->name] = color->value;
// ### react to style changes
// see http://www.richinstyle.com for details
/* Mapping system settings to CSS 2
* Tried hard to get an appropriate mapping - schlpbch
// set widget colors
const widgetColors *widgetcol = widgetmap;
while( widgetcol->name ) {
QColor c = htmlPal.color( widgetcol->group, widgetcol->role );
map[widgetcol->name] = c;
// set decoration colors
const decoColors *decocol = decomap;
const char *lastConfigGroup = 0;
while( decocol->name ) {
if ( lastConfigGroup != decocol->configGroup ) {
lastConfigGroup = decocol->configGroup;
config->setGroup( lastConfigGroup );
QColor c = htmlPal.color( decocol->group, decocol->role );
if ( decocol->configEntry )
c = config->readColorEntry( decocol->configEntry, &c );
map[decocol->name] = c;
// InfoBackground
map["infobackground"] = QToolTip::palette().inactive().background();
// InfoText
map["infotext"] = QToolTip::palette().inactive().foreground();
KConfig bckgrConfig("kdesktoprc", true, false); // No multi-screen support
// Desktop background.
map["background"] = bckgrConfig.readColorEntry("Color1", &htmlPal.disabled().background());
static HTMLColors *htmlColors = 0L;
static KStaticDeleter<HTMLColors> hcsd;
QRgb khtml::parseColor(QString name, bool strictParsing)
if( !htmlColors )
htmlColors = hcsd.setObject( new HTMLColors );
int pos;
// remove white spaces for those broken websites out there :-(
while ( ( pos = name.find( ' ' ) ) != -1 ) name.remove( pos, 1 );
int len = name.length();
if (!len || (strictParsing && len < 3))
return invalidColor;
if(len == 11 && name.find("transparent", 0, false) == 0)
return transparentColor;
if(len == 10 && name == "-konq-text")
return defaultTextColor;
// also recognize "color=ffffff"
if (len == 6)
bool ok;
int val = name.toInt(&ok, 16);
return (0xff << 24) | val;
// recognize #12345 (duplicate the last character)
if(!strictParsing && name[0] == '#') {
bool ok;
int val = name.right(5).toInt(&ok, 16);
return (0xff << 24) | (val * 16 + ( val&0xf ));
if ( !name[0].isLetter() )
return invalidColor;
// #fffffff as found on msdn.microsoft.com
if ( name[0] == '#' && len > 7)
name = name.left(7);
if ( len > 4 && name[0].lower() == 'r' && name[1].lower() == 'g' &&
name[2].lower() == 'b' && name[3] == '(' &&
name[len-1] == ')')
// CSS like rgb(r, g, b) style
DOMString rgb = name.mid(4, name.length()-5);
int count;
khtml::Length* l = rgb.implementation()->toLengthArray(count);
if (count != 3)
return transparentColor;
int c[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
c[i] = l[i].width(255);
if (c[i] < 0) c[i] = 0;
if (c[i] > 255) c[i] = 255;
QRgb col = qRgb(c[0], c[1], c[2]);
delete [] l;
return col;
QColor tc = htmlColors->map[name];
if ( !tc.isValid() )
tc = htmlColors->map[name.lower()];
if (tc.isValid())
return tc.rgb();
if (tc.isValid()) return tc.rgb();
if (tc.isValid()) return tc.rgb();
if(!strictParsing) {
bool hasalpha = false;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++)
if(name[i].isLetterOrNumber()) {
hasalpha = true;
return qRgb(0, 0, 0);
return invalidColor;
QPainter *khtml::printpainter = 0;
void khtml::setPrintPainter( QPainter *printer )
printpainter = printer;
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