Constructing a DOM tree from a HTML fragment

Ravikiran Rajagopal ravi at
Mon Oct 28 18:50:34 GMT 2002

  I am trying to dynamically generate a HTML document. I have a table cell in 
which I need to display some text. The text is (HTML) marked up; it is out of 
my control and is given to my process. I can't create a text child node and 
display it because the markup is then not used. So, I presume I must create a 
document fragment, parse the given HTML text into a tree and then append the 
(root of the) tree as a child node of the table cell.
  The problem is that I cannot figure out how to parse the given text (HTML 
fragment) with the HTMLParser class. Can someone tell me how to do it?
  If this is a total newbie question answered in a canonical resource 
somewhere, I would be extremely grateful if you could point me to it.


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