Konq / Nautilus plugins

Zsolt Rizsanyi rizsanyi at myrealbox.com
Sat Oct 26 13:41:47 BST 2002

On Saturday 26 October 2002 02:18, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Friday 25 October 2002 06:36, Philippe FREMY wrote:
> > What do you think ?
> the file meta info stuff is handled nicely in konqi and you can extend the
> RMB menu with servicemenus. you could even  take the nautilus scripts and
> wire them up to konqi directly using servicemenus. you may want to replace
> some gdialog with kdialogs, though ;-)
> http://developer.kde.org/documentation/tutorials/dot/servicemenus.html
> Michael Pye is working on a collection of useful service menus for 3.2 and
> i plan to add some additional functionality to service menus (like being
> able to define sub-menus to prevent menu overload) ..

I have read the above tutorial, and it seems, that there is no way to add 
service menus to the drag menu.
MS Windows allows that, and I liked very much that feature when I was using 
Eg. Winzip installs such service menus, so when you drag a .zip file to a 
directory then (besides the normal entries like move, copy, create shortcut) 
appears a 'service menu' allowing you to extract the zip file there.

I really miss the same feature from ark.
Let me describe a use case, so it would be more clear:
Lets say you have a zip file app.zip in your ~/download directory, and you 
want to extract it to ~/src
You open ~/download and open ~/src (maybe by splitting konqueror window, or 
using midnight commander view :)
Then when you drag the app.zip file from ~/download to ~/src the drag menu 
would appear with the next entries:
Extract to ~/src
Extract to ~/src/app

(the second Extract to dir comes from the name of the zip file without 
extension appended to the drag destination dir -- it is very useful with zip 
files which do not have a proper directory structure in them)

I would like to see such a feature at least in kde3.2 :)


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