JS security and enumerating a Window

Koos Vriezen koos.vriezen at xs4all.nl
Fri Oct 25 13:33:08 BST 2002

On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, Koos Vriezen wrote:

> function doIt() {
>   myframe1.document.open();
>   myframe1.document.write("<html><body>");
>   for(var i in frames[1]) {
>     try{
>       myframe1.document.write(i + "=" + frames[1][i] + "<br>");
>     } catch(e) {
>       myframe1.document.write(i + " error<br>");
>     }
>   }
>   myframe1.document.write("</body></html>");
>   myframe1.document.close();
> }
> <FRAMESET ROWS="300,*" onLoad="doIt()">
>   <FRAME NAME="myframe1" SRC="about:blank">
>   <FRAME NAME="myframe2" SRC="http://localhost/~koos/test.html">
> where test.html is:
>   <html><head><script>
>     var foo="bar";
>   </script></head>
>   <body></body></html>
> Document opened with konq's filemanager, domain file:/.... As is myframe1.
> And myframe2 has domain http://localhost/.
> Does give a lot of 'WARNING: Javascript: access denied for current
> frame...', but I can see JS variable name 'foo'. Don't see the value of it
> though.

In my attempt to add something like this in Window::isSafeScript before
returning false (there is no SecurityError in kjs/object.h)
  Object err = Error::create(exec, GeneralError);

I noticed that todays CVS (updated kjs/khtml today, other stuff
yesterday) doesn't have domain set anymore. Putting some
kdDebug there shows these
 khtml (jscript): WARNING: Window::isSafeScript '' to frame ''
How come?


Ps. anyone knows how to prevent:
Session management error: Could not open network socket
from uic. Makes compiling a lot slower with those timeouts.

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