allow table in <p>

Vadim Plessky lucy-ples at
Wed Oct 23 10:18:39 BST 2002

On Tuesday 22 October 2002 1:58 am, Dirk Mueller wrote:
|  Hi,
|  this bug surprises me. any ideas why the following patch might not be
|  correct?

Hello Dirk!

I am not sure what kind of rendering you would like to get for this testcase.
Please check attahced examples, rendering of those in Konq (3.1beta2) is very 
close to Mozilla 1.0 (not identical, though)
At least, table now not in <p> with yellow bg, but partially on blue bg ;-)

|  testcase:
|  <body style=width:310px>
|  <p style="margin: 1.0em 0px; background-color: blue;">
|  this is the text of the first paragraph blubb blabalababb
|  even more text and text and more text
|  <table border="1" align="right" width="200" cellpadding="1">
|   <TR>
|   <td align="right"><!--
| at Middle1 --></td>
|   </tr>
|  </table>
|  </p>
|  <p style="background-color: yellow">
|  Der Ausbildungsstand an deutschen Schulen sei derzeit eine
| Innovationsbremse für die Technologie-Branche, sagte Tenzer, der auch
| stellvertretender Telekom-Chef ist. "Die Koalitionsvereinbarung weist aber
| explizit auf verstärkte Anstrengungen in Sachen
| Schlüsseltechnologien, Forschung und Innovation hin.
|  </body>
|  </html>
|  (taken from heise newsticker)
|  patch:
|  diff -u -3 -d -p -r1.61 dtd.cpp
|  --- dtd.cpp     2002/10/21 18:30:30     1.61
|  +++ dtd.cpp     2002/10/21 21:58:01
|  @@ -305,6 +305,7 @@ static const ushort tag_list_0[] = {
|       ID_COMMENT,
|       ID_NOBR,
|       ID_WBR,
|  +    ID_TABLE,
|       0
|   };


Vadim Plessky  (English)
33 Window Decorations and 6 Widget Styles for KDE
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