two problems with empty tabs

Jos van den Oever oever at
Thu Oct 17 09:28:12 BST 2002

Hello list,

I'm not filing this as a bug report, but if that's more appropriate, i can.
But the bugs are rather important, so maybe this is better.

Problem 1:
opening a new tab with ctrl-shift-N, causes the cogwheel to keep rotating. In 
other words, konqueror keeps trying to load some empty url.

Problem 2:
Pressing F2 (rename) in an empty tab causes a crash. I guess some pointer must 
be empty somewhere. Here's the interesting part of the backtrace.

#4  <signal handler called>
#5  KListViewLineEdit::load(QListViewItem*, int) (this=0x82af8b0, i=0x0, c=0)
    at klistview.cpp:181
#6  0x4055076f in KListView::rename(QListViewItem*, int) (this=0x82af8b0, 
    item=0x0, c=0) at klistview.cpp:1259
#7  0x4143d1d1 in ListViewBrowserExtension::rename() (this=0x82a9450)
    at konq_listview.h:74
#8  0x4144280a in ListViewBrowserExtension::qt_invoke(int, QUObject*) (
    this=0x82a9450, _id=11, _o=0xbfffee10) at konq_listview.moc:295
#9  0x40b01b1a in QObject::activate_signal(QConnectionList*, QUObject*) (
    this=0x81183e8, clist=0x80fd7c0, o=0xbfffee10) at kernel/qobject.cpp:2080
#10 0x40b01a1b in QObject::activate_signal(int) (this=0x81183e8, signal=2)
    at kernel/qobject.cpp:2061
#11 0x4052faa8 in KAction::activated() (this=0x81183e8)
    at /home/kde3/kdecvs/qt-x11-free-3.0.5/include/qmetaobject.h:235

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