Konqy reusing and preloading

Martijn Klingens klingens at kde.org
Thu Nov 28 13:28:51 GMT 2002

On Thursday 28 November 2002 13:01, Lubos Lunak wrote:
>  I'd say that creating KonqMainWindow and the view is quite expensive, so it 
> would be better if the last closed KonqMainWindow wouldn't be really 
> destroyed (when "exiting" Konqy), but it would be reused for the next time. 

Yes, it is. Try pressing ctrl-n on a slower PC and you know what I mean ;-)

Last weekend I was playing around a bit with timing this. I don't have the 
exact command line handy at work, but it was something along the lines of

time ( i=0 ; while [ $i -lt 10 ] ; do echo ; i=$(($i + 1)) ; done ) | \
    dcop --pipe konqueror-25159 '' createNewWindow 'about:blank' ''

to open 10 new windows. This took around 16 seconds (IIRC) on my Celeron 450, 
GCC 2.95.2, no prelink (i.e. about 1.6 second per window). Maksim tried the 
same on his system (a 1 GHz P3 IIRC) with full GCC 3.2 prelink, where it 
still took a whopping 5 seconds to do this.

Maksim's conclusion was that it's hard to optimize this code though, because a 
LOT of things are done here, which is a bit unfortunate if you open a lot of 
stuff in new windows, where preloading doesn't help.


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