Changing the look of Konqueror

Subotai subotai at
Tue May 14 10:25:28 BST 2002


I hope this is a simple problem: I would like to change the look, or to be 
more precise, the size of some of Konquerors parts, especially the menu 
buttons and the URL requester. The reason for this is that my daughter has 
much trouble using the Konq webbrowser while surfing, because she doesnt see 
well. So, i would like to make it easier for her by increasing the size of 
the buttons and the requester. Is there a way to change this?
I am not particularly good at c++, so if anyone has an idea of where to change 
this (konqueror sources? khtml-engine? qtlibs?), a hint on how to change the 
sources would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance, yours sincerely,
Pedro "Subotai" Mesculli

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