Strange image placement

Pavel Troller patrol at
Fri May 10 06:23:44 BST 2002

>   I'm still using that patch myself, and it's working fine. Should I commit 
> it? I have not heard anything from anybody.....
I'm not a developer, I just reported the bug, but it seems that nobody (except
You) cares, so I think You can commit the fix, at least to the HEAD, where
there are IMHO no approvals needed now, it's not frozen. It would be very nice
to have the fix in 3.0.1 too, but it seems to be too late :-(.
>       - Mike
> P.S. - I did notice a mysterious space inserted into the document on my test 
> case also, but I had forgotten about it.
It seems that konq devels have a lot of work so they didn't succeed to fix it,
although they promised it for 3.0.1... OK, it's not so serious, but _please_
do it _now_, otherwise it will be too late again...
                                                With regards, Pavel Troller

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