webdav search

Hamish Rodda meddie at yoyo.its.monash.edu.au
Fri May 3 15:32:34 BST 2002

>- The special() for SEARCH might be removed, since SEARCH can be done
>via listDir(). What do you think?

Yep, I'd remove it, it's redundant, and not part of a released API...

>- I've modified the signature for davStatlist() since it now has three
>uses, for stat, list and search. It now takes an enum argument for
>the use method, and a QString for the search query (defaults to null).

I would have put the detection of search metadata in davStatList itself, but 
that's just me. There aren't going to be any cases where we want to do a stat 
using the search method are there?

Looks good, feel free to commit.



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