Text Selection Speed

Vadim Plessky lucy-ples at mtu-net.ru
Fri Jun 14 07:51:15 BST 2002

On Thursday 13 June 2002 6:59 pm, Matt Newell wrote:
|  Hi,
|  I have recently been looking at the khtml sources trying to get enough of
| an understanding to improve the horribly slow text selection algorithm.  I

But at least it works! :-)
Seriously: we had some serious problems with text/content selection around KDE 
2.1 time, hopefully that was fixed.
As KHTML is DOM-based, it can be that some slowdown of text seelction canbe 
caused by this, at least on complex pages.

| am starting to get a pretty decent understanding of how it works, but I
| still am not sure where all of the cpu cycles are going.  I just thought
| that you guys could give me a few pointers on what functions need
| optimizing, or how to profile khtml to find out for myself.
|  Thanks
|  Matt Newell


Vadim Plessky
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