Fwd: kio: slave process dies when using https

Stephan Kulow coolo at kde.org
Sun Jun 9 17:24:35 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Freitag, 7. Juni 2002 21:21, Waldo Bastian wrote:
> The problem is that we shouldn't die/exit on a SIGPIPE. However, we do
> exactly that since the following change to slavebase.cpp
> revision 1.114
> date: 2002/02/28 13:35:53;  author: coolo;  state: Exp;  lines: +3 -2
> Don't endless loop in sigpipe_handler if an application is killed having
> a download in progress
> -    signal(SIGPIPE,&sigpipe_handler);
> +    exit(0);
> +    // signal(SIGPIPE,&sigpipe_handler);
> Maybe coolo can comment why that change was necassery and why the endless
> looping couldn't be fixed with some error checking in the slave itself.
> Otherwise I will revert that change.
Well, just reverting doesn't help. If the slave exists or idles endlessly in 
sigpipe_handler doesn't really mater. Just that the later causes a lot more 
CPU usages and doesn't give the user any feedback

Greetings, Stephan
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