action for LMB click in Konqueror

F@lk Brettschneider falk.brettschneider at
Sun Jul 28 23:50:23 BST 2002

I think it was better if Konqueror would open the default application on 
LMB click instead of opening the file in the embedded viewer.
For instance a common user just wonders why he cannot edit the opened 
text file although he wanted to open the file for doing that. The main 
idea is why do you want to restrict the user to readonly-opening? 90% of 
the world population are used to Win32's file managers where LMB on a 
file opens the file in read-write mode.  Which is also a more 
intuitively expected behaviour during a mom-test. ;-)

Just my 2 cents
F at lk

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