[Patch] Re: web pages as text

Germain Garand germain at ebooksfrance.com
Wed Jul 24 14:13:53 BST 2002

Le Mercredi 24 Juillet 2002 13:51, Jos van den Oever a écrit :
> Hi all,
> In the current cvs, when viewing a web page by typing the URL in the
> location bar, after viewing a text file in the embedded viewer, the web
> page's source code is shown instead of the rendered file.
> This is probably due to some editing after a tab discussion a few days ago.

No, this is a bad kpart policy. See thread "Is someone working on #41620"

 It currently says "if the part can handle the next mimetype, keep it".

Now it seems it was agreed to switch to the much better 
"if next mimetype is different, check what is the preferred viewer for the new 
mimetype, and use that"

David Faure made a patch (attached) for this just before leaving for holidays, 
but it was not applied...
Maybe someone could apply it ?

It would be good to have this for Beta 1, which is scheduled for July 28 th... 


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