corrupted: kmailrc contains html code ?!

Till Krech till at
Sat Jul 20 15:27:56 BST 2002


in the recent time, I lost my kmailrc two times and had to setup kmail again.
The very strange thing:
kmailrc contained the lines of a html page which I viewed with konqueror. The 
lines seem to be reformatted. All beginning whitespace is stripped from the 
html. Basically, the beginning of kmailrc up to section [General] is replaced 
by the contents of this html page.
The html is not contained in any mail, I received.

Does anyone have a clue how this could happen ?

regards, till
SuSE Linux 8.0 (i386) 2.4.18-64GB-SMP
KDE: 3.0.6 (KDE 3.1 alpha1)
Qt: 3.0.6-snapshot-20020712

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