HTML for KMail [Re: khtml and table widths]

Vadim Plessky lucy-ples at
Thu Jul 18 14:52:22 BST 2002

On Thursday 18 July 2002 4:34 pm, Martijn Klingens wrote:
|  On Thursday 18 July 2002 14:17, Vadim Plessky wrote:
|  > <style type="text/css">
|  >   #header { border: 1px solid navy; width: 100% }
|  >   .left { width: 4em; float: left;  }
|              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
|  That's a fixed width, won't look too good if font sizes are different.
| Suppose the translation of 'From' takes 12 characters and 'To' still needs
| 2 characters. It's not that hard to come up with a font size where one div
| is expanded to fit the overflow of the 12-char text, but the other div is
| your proposed 4em wide. Needless to say that's several orders of magnitude
| more ugly than using tables...

That's simply not true.
Rendering is faster when you don't use tables. And even more faster in my 
latest XML code (see another mail). KHTML doesn't need to apply all 
attributes on XML, all necessary attributes are defined in inline stylesheet.

|  Trust me, if you want to layout this by structure instead of hardcoded
| metrics this is really a 2x3 matrix, or in KHTML speak: table :-)

Pls check Web Accessibility Initiative
to undertsand better why tables should not be used (for visual layout)

|  > CSS porperties width-min and width-max are not implemented in KHTML
|  > (yet), AFAIK.
|  > When available: I can add support you want in one line of code.
|  I don't want to specify *any* width. I just want to specify the size
| policy, like Qt does. In other words: use the minimum required space to fit
| the left column, independent of font size, screen width and what more, and
| use the rest for the second column. Maybe you can do it by setting the 2nd
| column's width to 100%?

may be. But better is to implement missing CSS2 properties...
Do you have an idea wether KMail runs on PDAs?
What kind of CSS KMail uses on PDA, like Compaq iPAQ?
I doubt default code will work on small screen (320x200, or how big PDA's 
good point in my cod ethat you can define

 left { display: none}
and *get more space on screen*,
*without* any re-formatting of the mail.
It can make mail more readable, etc., especially on small screen, or for 
people with cognitive disabilities.

|  > P.S. Please do not cc: me directly, I am subscribed to the list.
|  > Just was not posting for a couple of weeks...
|  Did I cc you???

No, Ladislav and Hetz cc'ed me copuple of times. But I do not mind :-)
// hint: it was not directed to you, I just used bottom of my e-mail !


Vadim Plessky  (English)
33 Window Decorations and 6 Widget Styles for KDE
KDE mini-Themes

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