Would like to fix: Konquerors About Page broken

Till Krech till at snafu.de
Wed Jul 17 23:11:37 BST 2002


anyone noticed, that the about page is broken?

Images aren't displayed anymore, message in log:
no ioslave for protocol about: 
(or similar).

The Reason: the page is generated from a template. To make the image refernces 
work, a <base href="..."> tag is prepended to the template ressource when it 
is read in. This <base> tag is before the <html> tag but must be in the 

Should be easy to fix. Is anyone already working on this ?

regards, till 

SuSE Linux 8.0 (i386) 2.4.18-64GB-SMP
KDE: 3.0.6 (KDE 3.1 alpha1)
Qt: 3.0.6-snapshot-20020712

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