weird underlines

Moritz Moeller-Herrmann mmh at
Tue Jul 2 20:01:10 BST 2002

Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:

> Hi people,
> I'm looking at this page:
> It seems to render ok, the main article appears in black.
> Now, move the cursor over the article - all the text appears as blue
> underlined..

That's because the whole text is a link. Obviously Mandrake can't code HTML 
for shit. Line ~149:

<a name="ul">
<b>1- United Linux: why MandrakeSoft will not join.</b>
<a href="">United Linux</a> is a group effort by 
four Linux vendors (Caldera, SuSE, 
TurboLinux and Conectiva) to develop a common Linux distribution that will 
bear the label "United Linux".

Obviously the error handling of other browsers automatically closes the <a 
name="ul">, as it encounters the next <a> tag, but that is not correct 

I think Mandrake would be wise to check their page with some syntax checker.

Moritz Moeller-Herrmann mmh at wiss. Mitarbeiter, IMGB
        La loi, dans un grand souci d'égalité, interdit aux riches comme aux
        pauvres de coucher sous les ponts, de mendier dans les rues et de voler
        du pain. 

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