HTTP server sends 404, but Job->error() is zero!

Best, Jan-Pascal van j.p.vanbest at
Tue Jul 2 11:50:54 BST 2002

Hi all,

I'm trying to discover whether a certain file 
exists on a webdav server. For this I send a PROPFIND
to the server, asking for DAV:displayname and for
urn:schemas:calendar:uid. When the file doesn't exist,
I used to get a KIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST error code
from job->error() in the slotResult slot. 

Not any more.

I'm not sure if something changed in our server or in
the kio code, but at the moment the server returns a 
	HTTP/1.1 404 Resource Not Found
	Content-Type: text/html
	<html dir=ltr>
	... etc
but, worse, job->error() returns zero, while the server sent
us a 404! I guess this would be allright for konqueror, which 
would want to show the user the error page returned by the
server, but in my case I'd really like to know that the
file doesn't exist on the server.

Is this expected behaviour that I should code around, or should
kio be changed to return an error code in this case?



Jan-Pascal van Best
Delft University of Technology 

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