3 Konqueror issues (bugs?)

Ashley Shugart ashleyshugart at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 1 21:18:39 GMT 2002

Note: I am not on the mailing list.

1. Konqueror doesn't seem to recognize the XHTML "accesskey" attribute.  This 
is the attribute that lets the web page author set Alt+ hotkeys for the web 

2. Konqueror doesn't seem to recognize Alt+key menu hotkeys when in fullscreen 
(Ctrl + Shift + F) mode.  i.e. You can't active the Edit menu with Alt+E  
Konqueror does seem to respond to menu command hotkeys.

3.  It seems like the hotkey for Fullscreen (Ctrl + Shift + F) is sometimes 
listed in the Window menu and sometimes not.  It seems like when you open a 
new konqueror window,  the hotkey is listed in the menu.  Then you go 
fullscreen and you can't see the Window menu.  Then go back to windowed mode 
and the hotkey description is missing from the menu.

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