no-repeat problem in cvs

Jos van den Oever oever at
Mon Aug 19 13:36:00 BST 2002

This website I'm designing
uses some advanced css1:
table {
        background: #4c5c69 url(homblack2.jpg) top right no-repeat fixed;

Some elements have a jpg as background. The background is fixed with respect 
to the viewport. This all works very nice! Opera and Internet Explorer can 
learn something from Konqueror and Mozilla here.

Unfortunately, the background is repeated in the table, despite stating 
'no-repeat'. You can see this by scrolling the page.
html and css pass the w3 validator.

For konquror 3.0.2, this effect occurs as wel, but not for all tables. In CVS 
this problem exists for all table elements.

Best regards, Jos

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