konqueror crashing...

Sven Neuhaus sn at neopoly.com
Mon Apr 29 15:47:46 BST 2002

Hi folks,

I worked on a DOM/JS/DHTML heavy page with Mozilla and IE 6 and thought
about adding Konqueror support. I only have Konqueror 2.1.1 available so
I tried that. It crashed after I clicked on the select boxes a bit.
I then went to #kde on irc.openprojects.org and had some nice guy try it
with KDE 3.0.0. It went pretty OK at first (the "initializing..." choice
didn't go away as it should) but crashed shortly afterwards.
Sorry, I can't give you a proper bug report since I don't have a recent
KDE setup myself.
Anyway, I'm hoping someone feels like looking into this.
The page is at http://www.ping.de/~sven/daoc/
and it uses HTML 4.01 strict. I also checked the style sheets
with W3C's validator. The javascript uses a lot of DOM1 functions.
Click around on the select options and other buttons a bit until it


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