[Kexi] pqxx and Kexi

Jaroslaw S kexipl at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 21:22:15 CEST 2009

2009/10/15 Adam Pigg <piggz1 at gmail.com>:
>> This move was made necessary by a security fix in libpq itself.  As it
>> turned out, its escaping function needs to know the encoding the string
>> is in, because some multibyte encodings have characters that contain the
>> byte that in ASCII or UTF-8 would have been e.g. a single quote.
>> So for example you might have a two-byte character consisting of some
>> byte X and one that matches the ASCII character "'": X'
>> In that case, the naïve previous escaping function would just double
>> that byte to "escape" it, producing X'' and voilà: a closing quote has
>> been injected into a string--by the exact function that's supposed to
>> prevent it.
>> I think your options are:
>> a) Write your own escaping function based on your own knowledge of the
>> encoding that the code is going to run in.  I suppose Qt has some
>> facility for breaking a string in the current locale's encoding down
>> into unicode characters.
> Jeroen,
> Thanks for getting back, is it just the ' character which needs escaped by
> doubling it?
> In which case, a QString::replace() could suffice, Jaroslaw, the main kexi dev
> can advise on that.

Thanks for continuing the discussion here.
QString::replace() works in test cases but in pessimistic case it's O(n^2).
I do recommend using const QChar * QString::constData () const-
iterating over the \0-terminated list.

If we implement our escaping (doesn't libpq itself have it if not
libpqxx?), it's good idea to implement at least
KexiDB::Driver::valueToSQL(), escapeString(), and check if
escapeBLOB() is OK.

BTW, there's another job regarding pgsql support: the driver based on
just libpq. Unfortunaltely that was never delivered.
I think we would get benefits from going this way eventually
(efficiency since you can see we have to implement some low-level
features anyway).
Either I find someone interested or myself I'll be back to this task
after 2.2...

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
 Kexi & KOffice (http://www.kexi-project.org, http://www.koffice.org)
 KDE Libraries for MS Windows (http://windows.kde.org)

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