[Kexi] Documentation for Combo boxes and the like

Manfred Jung mjung at ccm.org.za
Thu Feb 5 21:49:58 CET 2009

Thanks so much

I see the concept here is quite different but also logical. In access 
you define such relationship for the combo box itself regardless of the 
tables and their relationships. Thanks this helped a lot.

The combo-box displays in the drop down contents of the underlying 
table. Is there a way to say which fields should be displayed?

But Thanks so much for getting me going.

Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
> 2009/2/5 Manfred Jung <mjung at ccm.org.za>:
>> Hi all
>> Kexi might be my answer to getting rid of a certain micro$oft program.
>> but im new to Kexi and have to unleran some of the old habits. i suppose.
>> I tried fiddling around with combo boxes looked at the documentation
>> (hanbook), found nothing (I might be looking in the wrong places). I
>> also searched the mailing-list. I looked a the Sample database and there
>> is a combo box working. But i could not find where the como-box gets
>> told where to fetch the data to display in the drop down section.
> Hi,
> - in the table designer, lookup column tab on the right hand; in the table
> data mode you'll see comboboxes
> So in the table designer, just select table in the lookup column tab
> on the right hand and a bound column within this table (the same
> pane). In the example database, click on the 2nd tab to see how this
> has been set up.
> - in the form designer - once you have lookup columns in your table's
> project, you can
> put combo boxes onto your form (use similar lookup field tab)
> see the 2nd tab here
> http://www.kexi-project.org/pics/1.1.1/lookup_column_design.png
>> Further I don't see where the combo-box is told which is the bound
>> column. etc.
>> Is there some documentation on the various controls Kexi uses?
>> One more thing. Does Kexi have something that M$ Access calls a subform?
> it's not available yet
>> Any help or pointer to the right documentation is most appreciated.
> It's here: http://docs.kde.org/kde3/en/koffice/kexi/index.html
> In particular 'http://docs.kde.org/kde3/en/koffice/kexi/designing-forms.html'
> (Most important terms) is, well... important.

Manfred Jung
Tel     +27 11 976-4044
Fax     +27 11 976-4042
email   mjung at ccm.org.za

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