[Kexi] Reporting

Adam Pigg piggz1 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 21:21:52 CET 2008


If anyone would like to be a guinnea pig and doesnt mind running kexi from 
svn, you can try the new report plugin.

Its reasonably featureful at the moment, with more to come (and im sure more 
to break! ;)

Im currently adding a scripting engine, so you can do cool stuff when the 
report is rendered (ie, if your familiar with msa, the onrender event) and 
probably more events will be added.

For a sample, you can see my blog at www.piggz.co.uk.

There is also a sample database showing a simple on_render event, 
www.piggz.co.uk/Simple_Database2.kexi Open the report in the designer and 
dbl-click the title bar for the 'detail' section to open the script.


All feedback and bug fixes welcome


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