[Kexi] Kexi + Kugar

Jaroslaw Staniek js at iidea.pl
Mon Jan 21 10:03:41 CET 2008

Matija Šuklje said the following, On 2008-01-20 17:31:

> I just started managing our house's bills in Kexi and wanted to use Kugar to 
> produce reports for it ...and was surprised to notice that Kugar uses its own 
> (and only its own) "DB".

Kugar is obsolete in part due to its architecture. And predicting long ago we 
have not been using it for Kexi.

A new OpenRPT-based tool is in development (by Adam Pigg) for KOffice 2. 
> Is there a half-way normal way of using Kexi and Kugar

Sorry, there isn't

 > together and if not, what would be a better idea?

For now use external reporting tools like OpenRPT. We have written MANY links 
for you:

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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