[Kexi] LIKE syntax

Jarosław Staniek js at iidea.pl
Mon Feb 25 18:38:51 CET 2008

John Jason Jordan said the following, On 2008-02-25 18:17:

> It turns out that what I needed to do can almost be done with
> wildcards. That is, a WHERE field LIKE '%FE1a-???%' will pick up all
> records where FE1a- exists anywhere in the field. The problem is that I
> also need the query to sort the data on the ???, which is the number
> that the question will be in the exam. I couldn't get it to sort on the
> expression, only on the entire contents of the field.

This makes me wonder whether you have attempted to "simulate" table structures 
by glueing different kinds of information within a single field.
The same can be achieved by having many fields and combining them only when 
you want to display them in a specific format -- in queries, forms or reports.

Lack of appropriate functions built into Kexi's SQL engine makes that 
currently hard, though. Thanks for using Kexi.

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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