[Kexi] LIKE syntax

John Jason Jordan johnxj at comcast.net
Fri Feb 22 17:59:05 CET 2008

I have a field I use for selecting records in a database of test
questions by placing unique strings in the field. For example, I might
enter "FE1a-001" which means that it will be merged into Final Exam 1a
and will be question #1. This works well, but sometimes I need to merge
the same question into other documents. For example, if I want the same
question to appear in Final Exam 3c as question #30 I need to enter
"FE3c-030" in this field as well. 

I can add both values in the field, but then the select queries do not
pick up the record at all. I need the LIKE operator to function as long
as the string occurs *anywhere* in the field, not that the field be
*the same as* the string. I can't find any documentation that addresses
how to do this.

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