[Kexi] There more maintenance patches available for Kexi 1.1.3

Jaroslaw Staniek js at iidea.pl
Wed Apr 30 12:43:29 CEST 2008

Dear users,
As there are no new releases of KOffice in 1.x series, we're providing 
imporatant maintenance patches from time to time. These patches are especially 
recommended for Linux/Unix distributions: in order to maintain high quality of 
the software, packagers should apple them before building.

A fix for handling long text types in MySQL migration

A fix for handling boolean types in PostgreSQL driver and PostgreSQL migration 

A fix for possible crash in buffered mode in SQLite driver

Please also look at the previous patches if you haven't done so.

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
  Sponsored by OpenOffice Polska (http://www.openoffice.com.pl/en) to work on
  Kexi & KOffice (http://www.kexi.pl/en, http://www.koffice.org/kexi)
  KDE Libraries for MS Windows (http://windows.kde.org)

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