[Kexi] kexi - data export

Jan Gromadzki jg_box at poczta.fm
Fri Nov 23 16:14:54 CET 2007


There are some issues with working in kexi, new for me (my
systems: PC-boxes with Slack 12 and last stable koffice (1.6.3.)).
Firstly -  data export from kexi (it works) with character set
conversion (it does not) - in Tools-scripts-Export Data to XHTML File
lacks at all such an option; in export wizard (menu File) is it
present, but does not work properly, i.e. the wizard does export to the
file, but without character conversion (or - without proper character
The data base is stored on MySQL server, on local host; the data are
encoded in utf8.
Moreover,   this wizard rejects to perform the export operation from
a query - only way to
finish it is to choose "cancel", no mater which option was stated;

Next issue: kexi refuses to recognise the new table made
using the mysql client - recently I made new table and it is invisible
for kexi (originally the data base was created by keximdb tool and 
possibly (I suppose) only these items are useful for kexi;

Are these more common issues or they do not work only for me?

with best regards


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