[Kexi] Examples/questions re. scripts for greater immediate Kexi applicability

Sebastian Sauer mail at dipe.org
Wed Aug 22 03:29:36 CEST 2007

On Thursday 16 August 2007, Roderick Drew wrote:
> import krosskexidb, krosskexiapp, os, codecs, sqlite3, sys
> keximainwindow = krosskexiapp.get("KexiAppMainWindow")
> connection = keximainwindow.getConnection()
> table = connection.tableSchema("orders")
> query = table.query()
> cursor = connection.executeQuerySchema(query)
> but I do not have (and don't yet know where to acquire) a clear
> understanding of Kross, what some of these commands do, nor how to be able
> to run those c.execute("...") commands.  A welcome alternative would be a
> simple Kexi script to run my external python scripts.  One would then
> simply
> compress the database to immediately see all the updates.

the thing above is a python script as well what means something like;
	import os
	os.system("ls -la")
should work well there too :-)
See here also 

For this Kexi needs to be compiled with scripting enabled (what distribution 
you are using?) and you should see a "Scripts" item beside the Table, Query 
and Form items within the projectbrowser + an Insert=>Script menuitem.

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