[Kexi] kexi mailing lists?

Jarosław Staniek js at iidea.pl
Tue Sep 5 09:07:21 CEST 2006

ppattern said the following, On 2006-09-05 02:23:

> Am I right in thinking that kexi is currently attempting to be a single
> user database solution? Or does it work well with concurrent users? If so,
> the network scenario would more LAN and not so good with WAN? If that that
> would be like Access, which is ok over a LAN but does not cope well with
> slower connections without a lot of special attention.

MS Access seems to have been never designed for modern network. One of its 
problems is too large data blocks being transferred (you can read about this 
in comparison to FileMaker - 

After years MS Access vendor started to advice using MS SQL Server backend to 
make Access still reasonable solution. Regardless the vendor lock in, this 
raises the bar for users.

Kexi allows to use database servers from the very beginning. For now it is 
MySQL and PostgreSQL. Just start Kexi and select "Blank Database", then 
"Project stored on a database server".

WAN differs from the LAN solution in that it can be sensitive in terms of 
response times. Kexi relies on database server here. If your engineers 
configure the database access successfully, you will get working solution.
Feel free to request specific features if have something on mind, though.

Anybody interested can push the development of more drivers like Oracle, MS 
MSQL, ODBC by contributing to the project or sponsoring it.

Recommended further reading:

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
  Sponsored by OpenOffice Polska (http://www.openoffice.com.pl/en) to work on
  Kexi & KOffice: http://www.kexi-project.org, http://www.koffice.org
  KDE3 & KDE4 Libraries for MS Windows: http://kdelibs.com, http://www.kde.org

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